
March 22, 2022

The air was enticing on the second day of Spring.  I answered the invititaiton with a walk in the fields of Avalon Nature Preseve.  I arrived at the “jumping rock,” a place I take the younger Seedlings to hone  jumping skills. This solitary rectangular rock overlooks one of the four major meadows at Avalon. It happens to be one of my favorite views, but for one reason or another  I don’t normally take the time to sit on the rock by myself. 

Fortunately,  I had a few hours between classes and thought the rock would be a great place use as a “sit spot.” For at least 20 minutes I would be still and let life happen around me.  Being still for me is very difficult.  My idea filled brain runs my body, sometimes causing me to flit about non stop from one project to another.  The moment was perfect for sitting still, uninterrupted.  

The sun was heading west in the sky as I perched myself on the hard cold rock.  Upon arrival I disturbed a robin redbreast and two squirrels.  Soon enough I would be still and perhaps they would return. 

I began my experiment in stillness in the upright position with glimmers of sunshine dappling on me and the rock.  I shifted left and right, sat up straight and slouched.  Remember, being still is not an easy exercise for me.  Finally, I decided to lay on the rock. I was determined to do this. 

The bare trees swung as the intermittent breezes came in waves.  Some trees squeaked as they rubbed against one another. I was patient. Waiting for something, waiting for nothing. 

I saw a bee next to a hole in the ground. Did it emerge on this day?  There did seem to be more flying insects around in the warmth of the sun. I could hear a squirrel rustling the leaves across the trail and was able to locate it.  I watched as it went about its daily business.  

Suddenly a bluebird landed on the dogwood tree next to the rock.  I was overjoyed to see this creature. I looked with a sideways glance, I saw it look left and right. Then it began to mumble, tu-a-wee, tu-a-wee. But in a quiet raspy voice.  Like it was whispering to me. Tu-a-wee, tu-a-wee.  The rust colored breast and neck feathers were bobbing in and out with each whisper.  It flew to the next branch and charmed me with its blue back feathers.  Nature’s colors always amaze me.

And then it was over.  He left. I gathered myself, took in a deep breath in, sat up and smiled.  I felt so lucky that I was able to share this space with such a beautiful creature. 

Tu-a-wee, perhaps that means, “hello my friend” or “here I am.”

Enjoy this earth and all the beauty it holds.

Eastern Bluebird information:  https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Eastern_Bluebird/sounds