Questions & Answers

We want your visit to Avalon Nature Preserve to be as pleasant as possible while putting nature first. We have compiled a few commonly asked questions and answers.

Storm Related Updates

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Is the preserve open again?

As of Tuesday, September 10, 2024, the preserve has reopened. The section of the Coastal Corridor leading down to the Boardwalk which overlooks Mill Pond is closed off to the public until further notice however all other areas of the preserve are accessible during park hours.

Where can I park now that Harbor Road is closed?

Parking will NOT be available anywhere along Harbor Road, please DO NOT attempt to park along this road, Rhododendron, or any other neighboring roads when visiting the preserve.

Parking is ONLY permitted in designated parking lots along Shep Jones Lane.


We understand the shortage of parking may be a challenge, but ask that you respect the local residents and other visitors as we ALL navigate the current climate of the Harbor Road.

If you have any questions, please message us on Facebook, Instagram, or send us an email at

Where can I donate?

We are grateful for the incredible generosity and the desire to give back that has been demonstrated by all of you. Your enthusiasm for raising funds to support restoration efforts has been truly inspiring.

If you wish to make a donation, we kindly ask that you consider contributing to The Ward Melville Heritage Organization (WMHO). Please note that WMHO owns and operates T. Bayles Minuse Park, and manages Mill Pond, not Avalon. Avalon does not have any ownership or rights concerning Mill Pond.

When making a donation, you can specify the ‘purpose of donation’ as either for Mill Pond and Park restoration or for general support of the organization. Your contributions will play a crucial role in the ongoing efforts to restore and maintain Mill Pond.

We are thankful for our supportive community and are confident in the restoration of Mill Pond.

Donate to WMHO

We want to clarify that Avalon Nature Preserve has not set up or authorized any donation websites. Please be cautious and avoid making donations through any unofficial channels.

If you have any doubts or need confirmation about any information related to donations, don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly at

Thank you for your continued support and vigilance!


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What are the preserve hours of operation?

Tuesday – Sunday, year round.  Closed Mondays.

Spring: 7AM-7PM (April-May)
Summer: 6AM-8PM (June-August)
Fall: 7AM-6PM (September-October)
Winter: 7AM-5PM (November-March)

Is there an entrance fee?

No, entrance to the Preserve is always free.

Are there public restrooms?

Avalon Preserve has no public restrooms.

Why aren’t there any trash cans in the Preserve?

In accordance with our “leave no trace” ethos, Avalon asks that you carry out what you carry in.

Can I have a picnic in the preserve?

Avalon asks that you enjoy the habitat without picnicking. There are great eating options within walking distance in nearby Stony Brook Village.

Can I bring a large group to Avalon?

Groups of up to 15 are permitted in the Preserve but must receive permission from the Preserve office. Please contact us at 631-689-0619.

Is professional photography allowed at Avalon?

Unfortunately we no longer allow professional photography at Avalon.

Can I host a special event at Avalon?

Avalon does not allow visitors to host any special events.

Using the Trails

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Are the trails at Avalon Preserve handicapped accessible?

A portion of the white trail near the Mill Pond Entrance is wheelchair accessible. Please call the main office for more information.

Do you have maps of the Preserve?

Yes. Please follow this link for an interactive map of the Preserve’s trails and environments.

Do you have a guide book?

Avalon Preserve has an outstanding field guide- to purchase visit our online shop.

Do you offer guided tours?

There are no regular guided tours at Avalon Preserve.

Are dogs welcome in Avalon Preserve trails?

Absolutely. We love dogs at Avalon, but we have some simple rules for them and their owners.

Office and Barn Usage

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Where is the Preserve office located?

Avalon’s office is located at 200 Harbor Road, Stony Brook, New York.

Where is the Avalon barn located?

The barn is located on Shep Jones Lane in the Village of Head of the Harbor.

Is the barn open to the public?

The barn is only open to the public during programs; it is closed to the public during all other times.

Is the barn available for rent for private functions?


Interacting with Nature

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Can we feed the ducks or any of the other animals?

No. The feeding of any wildlife is strictly prohibited. Please observe all wildlife from a distance and remember that you are a guest in their home.

Is fishing allowed in the duck pond?

Yes, but a permit is required. Please contact Joe Lombardi at the Ward Melville Heritage Organization.

Why are certain areas of the Preserve closed?

From time to time, our outstanding maintenance staff will be working on habitat restoration and trail improvements. Please refrain from entering closed areas at all times.


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Are the programs hosted by Avalon Preserve year-round?

The Preserve hosts a wide variety of programs throughout the year. For further information, please see our interactive calendar.

Why are the summer program sizes so limited?

Space for summer programs is limited. Placement is determined by lottery. Names will be chosen at random and all applicants will be notified via email of the status of their submission. For further information, please email Miss Sue.